Pivot table

We know now that .groupby gives us the ability to group and aggregate data across our DataFrame. The examples above formed groups using just one column in the DataFrame. It’s possible to group by multiple columns at once by passing in a list of column names to .groupby.

Let’s consider the names dataset. In this problem, we will find the total number of baby names associated with each sex for each year. To do this, we’ll group by both the "Year" and "Sex" columns.

Name Sex Count Year First Letter
0 Mary F 7065 1880 M
1 Anna F 2604 1880 A
2 Emma F 2003 1880 E
3 Elizabeth F 1939 1880 E
4 Minnie F 1746 1880 M
# Find the total number of baby names associated with each sex for each year in the data
names.groupby(["Year", "Sex"])[["Count"]].sum().head(6)
Year Sex
1880 F 90994
M 110490
1881 F 91953
M 100737
1882 F 107847
M 113686

Notice that both "Year" and "Sex" serve as the index of the DataFrame (they are both rendered in bold). We’ve created a multi-index DataFrame where two different index values, the year and sex, are used to uniquely identify each row.

This isn’t the most intuitive way of representing this data – and, because multi-indexed DataFrames have multiple dimensions in their index, they can often be difficult to use.

Another strategy to aggregate across two columns is to create a pivot table. One set of values is used to create the index of the pivot table; another set is used to define the column names. The values contained in each cell of the table correspond to the aggregated data for each index-column pair.

The best way to understand pivot tables is to see one in action. Let’s return to our original goal of summing the total number of names associated with each combination of year and sex. We’ll call the pandas .pivot_table method to create a new table.

# The `pivot_table` method is used to generate a Pandas pivot table
    index = "Year", 
    columns = "Sex", 
    values = "Count", 
    aggfunc = sum).head(5)
Sex F M
1880 90994 110490
1881 91953 100737
1882 107847 113686
1883 112319 104625
1884 129019 114442

Looks a lot better! Now, our DataFrame is structured with clear index-column combinations. Each entry in the pivot table represents the summed count of names for a given combination of "Year" and "Sex".

Let’s take a closer look at the code implemented above.


We can even include multiple values in the index or columns of our pivot tables.

names_pivot = names.pivot_table(
    index="Year",     # the rows (turned into index)
    columns="Sex",    # the column values
    values=["Count", "Name"], 
    aggfunc=max,   # group operation
Count Name
Sex F M F M
1880 7065 9655 Zula Zeke
1881 6919 8769 Zula Zeb
1882 8148 9557 Zula Zed
1883 8012 8894 Zula Zeno
1884 9217 9388 Zula Zollie
1885 9128 8756 Zula Zollie