CSC-272: Data Mining

Hi! Welcome to the CSC-272 Introduction to Data Mining course website 👋🏾

I am excited to talk math 🔢, programming 💻 and all-things data 📊 in this course with you!

From the navigation bar on the top ☝🏾 and sidebar on the left 👈🏾, you should be able to navigate to any topic relevant to the course. If that does not help, there should also be a search icon 🔍 in the top left corner ↗️

👇🏾 Below, you can find important links and important announcements.

Final Poster

The poster template can be found here

Final Posters due by Thursday, Dec 5th, 11:59 PM.

Poster Presentation

The poster presentation for the project is scheduled for Monday, Dec 9th at 2:30 PM.

Final Exam

Final Exam is scheduled for Dec 17th (Tuesday) from in Patrick Lecture Hall from 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM.

Mister CatGPTA 🐈‍⬛

The TA of the course Mister CatGPTA is now available remotely to help you with your questions.

Open-Door Policy

I have an Open-Door Policy and am in my office (Riley Hall 200-H) between 9 AM - 5 PM most weekdays. Please drop by with your questions or just to say hi!

Alternatively, send me an email or schedule an appointment