Concatenation and Merging

Concatenating DataFrames

Another way to combine DataFrames is to concatenate them. Concatenation is a bit different from joining. When we join two DataFrames, we are combining them horizontally – that is, we are adding new columns to an existing DataFrame. Concatenation, on the other hand, is generally a vertical operation – we are adding new rows to an existing DataFrame.



pd.concat is the pandas method used to concatenate DataFrames together. It takes as input a list of DataFrames to be concatenated and returns a new DataFrame containing all of the rows from each input DataFrame in the input list.

Let’s say we wanted to concatenate data from two different years in babynames. We can do so using the pd.concat method.

import pandas as pd 
url_template = ""

data_list = []
for year in range(1880, 2023):
    url = url_template % year
    data = pd.read_csv(url, header=None, names=['name', 'sex', 'count'])
    data['year'] = year
all_data = pd.concat(data_list)
name sex count year
0 Mary F 7065 1880
1 Anna F 2604 1880
2 Emma F 2003 1880
3 Elizabeth F 1939 1880
4 Minnie F 1746 1880
... ... ... ... ...
31910 Zuberi M 5 2022
31911 Zydn M 5 2022
31912 Zylon M 5 2022
31913 Zymeer M 5 2022
31914 Zymeire M 5 2022

2085158 rows × 4 columns

Merging DataFrames

When working on data science projects, we’re unlikely to have absolutely all the data we want contained in a single DataFrame – a real-world data scientist needs to grapple with data coming from multiple sources. If we have access to multiple datasets with related information, we can merge two or more tables into a single DataFrame.


To put this into practice, we’ll revisit the elections dataset.

Year Candidate Party Popular vote Result %
0 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.210122
1 1824 John Quincy Adams Democratic-Republican 113142 win 42.789878
2 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.203927
3 1828 John Quincy Adams National Republican 500897 loss 43.796073
4 1832 Andrew Jackson Democratic 702735 win 54.574789

Say we want to understand the popularity of the names of each presidential candidate in 2020. To do this, we’ll need the combined data of names and elections.

We’ll start by creating a new column containing the first name of each presidential candidate. This will help us join each name in elections to the corresponding name data in names.

elections["First Name"] = elections["Candidate"].apply(lambda x: x.split()[0])
Year Candidate Party Popular vote Result % First Name
0 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.210122 Andrew
1 1824 John Quincy Adams Democratic-Republican 113142 win 42.789878 John
2 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.203927 Andrew
3 1828 John Quincy Adams National Republican 500897 loss 43.796073 John
4 1832 Andrew Jackson Democratic 702735 win 54.574789 Andrew
# Here, we'll only consider `names` data from 2020
names_2020 = names[names["Year"]==2020]
Name Sex Count Year First Letter
0 Olivia F 17641 2020 O
1 Emma F 15656 2020 E
2 Ava F 13160 2020 A
3 Charlotte F 13065 2020 C
4 Sophia F 13036 2020 S

Now, we’re ready to merge the two tables. pd.merge is the pandas method used to merge DataFrames together.

merged = pd.merge(left = elections, right = names_2020, \
                  left_on = "First Name", right_on = "Name")
# Notice that pandas automatically specifies `Year_x` and `Year_y` 
# when both merged DataFrames have the same column name to avoid confusion
Year_x Candidate Party Popular vote Result % First Name Name Sex Count Year_y First Letter
0 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.210122 Andrew Andrew F 12 2020 A
1 1824 Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican 151271 loss 57.210122 Andrew Andrew M 6036 2020 A
2 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.203927 Andrew Andrew F 12 2020 A
3 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic 642806 win 56.203927 Andrew Andrew M 6036 2020 A
4 1832 Andrew Jackson Democratic 702735 win 54.574789 Andrew Andrew F 12 2020 A

Let’s take a closer look at the parameters:

  • left and right parameters are used to specify the DataFrames to be merge.
  • left_on and right_on parameters are assigned to the string names of the columns to be used when performing the merge. These two on parameters tell pandas what values should act as pairing keys to determine which rows to merge across the DataFrames. We’ll talk more about this idea of a pairing key next lecture.



Types of Merges

There are five types of merges in pandas. The type of merge is determined by the how parameter in the pd.merge method. The five types of merges are:

  1. Inner Merge (Default) how='inner': This is the default type of merge in pandas. It returns only the rows that have matching values in both DataFrames.



  1. Outer Merge how='outer': This merge returns all rows from both DataFrames. If a row has no match in the other DataFrame, the missing values are filled with NaN.



  1. Left Merge how='left': This merge returns all rows from the left DataFrame and the matched rows from the right DataFrame. The result is NaN for the right DataFrame if there is no match.



  1. Right Merge how='right': This merge returns all rows from the right DataFrame and the matched rows from the left DataFrame. The result is NaN for the left DataFrame if there is no match.



  1. Cross Merge how='cross': This merge returns the Cartesian product of the two DataFrames. That is, it returns all possible combinations of rows from both DataFrames.

