Native Data Structures#

  • So far, we have only worked with elementary data types in Python:

    • Integer

    • Float

    • Booleans

    • Strings

    • None

  • Variables of elementary data types hold a single value at a time.

  • Data Structures, as the same suggests, are structures designed for organizing, processing, manipulating, retrieving and storing Data

  • Most programming languages provide a set of native data structures to:

    1. Facilitate commmon programming tasks

    2. Improve programming efficiency for the programmer

    3. Improve time and memory efficiency through optimized internal implementations

  • Python’s native data structures that we’ll cover in this class will include:

    • Lists

    • Sets

    • Tuples

    • Dictionaries

  • We will cover our first Data Structure in this lecture: Lists

  • Lists are used to store multiple values in a single variable.

  • List items are:

    • Ordered

    • Changeable

    • Allow duplicate values

  • List items can be of any type: int, float, bool, str